Communications Committee

The Communications Committee was formally established by the MARAC Steering Committee in 2016. The creation of this committee followed from the approval by membership vote of new Bylaws for MARAC in November 2015.

Mission and Goals

The purpose of the committee is to manage the publicity activities of the organization as a way to share information among current MARAC members and to coordinate outreach and advocacy activities as a way to connect with scholars, researchers, decision-makers, and others among the general public with an interest in the preservation and use of historical records.


The Committee is responsible for the following activities:

  • Manage and assess the ongoing development of MARAC’s use of social media (including the MARAC blog, Twitter feed, and Facebook page).
  • Manage and assess MARAC’s existing and future publications, including the Mid-Atlantic Archivist, The Practical Archivist: MARAC Technical Leaflet Series, and publications that may result from conference sessions.
  • Seek and implement new means of communicating with members and non-members as needed.
  • Solicit feedback as needed on MARAC communication and outreach initiatives.
  • Coordinate MARAC’s annual Archives Month activities, including selecting and communicating the Archives Month theme.
  • Provide marketing for MARAC publications and social media accounts.
  • Coordinate advertising and exhibiting at appropriate meetings of other professional associations (e.g. the SAA Annual Meeting).
  • Oversee MARAC’s branding, including reviews as needed and any necessary refreshing.
  • Ensure that content on the MARAC website is accurate and current.
  • Work with the Membership Committee on joint marketing initiatives (e.g. providing MARAC logo merchandise or promotional giveaways) and general communications with members.
  • Advise Steering and any other appropriate MARAC committees on matters related to communications.

Operations Manual

Detailed descriptions of committee responsibilities and work timelines can be found HERE.


The Committee consists of members appointed by the MARAC Chair-elect. The committee members should have experience with or an interest in outreach activities and should reflect the diversity of the MARAC membership. Committee members shall serve two-year terms, and they may be reappointed for a second term.

Members Term Ends
Missy Nerino, Chair Summer 2025
Carolyn Friedrich, MAA Editor Summer 2025
Lara Szypszak, MAA Associate Editor Summer 2026
Jill Tominosky, MAA Advertising Editor Summer 2025
Anna Juliar, MAA Caucus News Editor Summer 2026
Kathleen Donahoe, Social Media Coordinator Summer 2025
Heidi Abbey Moyer, Practical Archivist Co-Editor in Chief Summer 2025
Renae Rapp, Practical Archivist Co-Editor in Chief Summer 2025
Megan Craynon, Practical Archivist Editorial Board Member Summer 2025
Michael P. Martin, Practical Archivist Editorial Board Member Summer 2026
Molly Tighe, Practical Archivist Editorial Board Member Summer 2025
Diane Bockrath, Practical Archivist Editorial Board Member Summer 2026
Nicole Font, Practical Archivist Editorial Board Member Summer 2026
Kevin Clair, MARAC Secretary ex-officio
Sara Predmore, MARAC Administrator  ex-officio


Last revised July 2024