Disaster Relief Fund GuidelinesWhat is the Disaster Relief Fund?The Disaster Relief Fund is meant to provide immediate relief to institutions impacted by a disaster. Any grant from the Disaster Relief Fund shall help fund a response necessary to prevent irretrievable loss. Who can apply?Any institution with publicly accessible archival holdings or special collections that are located in the MARAC region can apply (Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia). Personal collections are not eligible for grants. MARAC membership is not a condition of eligibility. Institutions are eligible for a grant once every five years. How much can an institution apply for?Up to $2,000 per grant. Submission of an application is not a guarantee of availability of funding. What types of responses are eligible for funding?Grant monies may be used for the direct recovery of damaged or at-risk archival materials or special collections caused by a sudden, unexpected event involving fire, water, or man-made or natural phenomena where immediate response is necessary to prevent irretrievable loss. Eligible services may include freeze drying, storage, transportation of materials, and rental facilities. Eligible supplies may include acid-free boxes and folders, storage cartons, cleaning materials, plastic milk crates, and protective gear. Funds may also be used to defray reasonable costs (such as housing, meals, or transportation) for volunteers or other laborers who assist with the recovery. Who determines funding?After reviewing the submitted materials, the Ad hoc Disaster Relief Committee makes a recommendation to the MARAC Steering Committee. The Steering Committee then puts it to a vote. What is the procedure?As soon as you know you are interested in applying for a grant from the Disaster Relief Fund, notify MARAC’s Administrator of your intent. Within 30 business days of the disaster, submit a complete application with supporting materials to the MARAC Administrator. The Ad hoc Disaster Relief Committee will review the application within 2 weeks of receipt, and it will be put to a vote. The Chair of the Ad hoc Committee will notify you of the status of your application. If it is approved, you will receive your funds by check. Within 3 months of receiving the grant, you must submit a report to the Chair of the Ad hoc Committee detailing how the grant monies were used. How is the Disaster Relief Fund maintained?The Disaster Relief Fund is supported through member donations and may be supplemented by other funds at the discretion of MARAC’s Steering Committee. If you would like to donate to the Disaster Relief Fund, you can do so at http://www.marac.info/donate. Last Updated September 2019 |