Mid-Atlantic Archivist

The Mid-Atlantic Archivist is MARAC's quarterly newsletter. It contains articles of interest to the MARAC archival community, an update from the Chair, the quarterly Treasurer's report, caucus news, book reviews, and more.

Current editors

Carolyn Friedrich, Editor

Lara Szypszak, Associate Editor 

Jill Tominosky, Advertising Editor

Anna Juliar, Caucus News Editor

Contact: [email protected] 

State caucus representatives, State and Local News Editors
Email icon  (Representatives' contact info is available on their respective caucus page.)

Cover of an issue of the Mid-Atlantic Archivist

Recent issues

  Vol. 54 (2025): Winter                                         

  Vol. 53 (2024): Winter | Spring | Summer | Fall  

 Vol. 52 (2023): Winter | Spring | Summer | Fall 

Vol. 51 (2022): Winter | Spring | Summer | Fall

Vol. 50 (2021): Winter | Spring | Summer | Fall

Vol. 49 (2020): Winter | Spring | Summer | Fall

Vol. 48 (2019): Winter | Spring | Summer | Fall

Vol. 47 (2018): WinterSpring | SummerFall

Vol. 46 (2017): WinterSpring | SummerFall

Vol. 45 (2016): WinterSpringSummerFall

Vol. 44 (2015): Winter | SpringSummerFall

Vol. 43 (2014): WinterSpringSummerFall

Back issues are available through the Internet Archive.


To advertise in an upcoming issue of the Mid-Atlantic Archivistsubmit your information online through the Mid-Atlantic Archivist Advertiser Form. View current advertising rates on the rate card.


Past articles cover exhibitions, acquired collections, case studies on processing, project updates, Q&As, profile and more. Entries must broadly be related to the MARAC region or to archiving or archive-adjacent fields. If you have any questions about submissions, please contact the editor at [email protected]

Article submissions, including case studies, feature stories, and major task force or committee news updates, are welcome and may be sent to the editor. Caucus news items should be sent to the appropriate caucus representative.

A feature article ranges from 750-1000 words. However, variable lengths are accepted at the discretion of the editorial team. Please contact the editor for additional information. Please consult the MAA Style Guide for more detailed information about submissions.

Deadlines for submissions are December 1 (winter issue), March 1 (spring issue), June 1 (summer issue), and September 1 (fall issue).


MARAC members receive a digital subscription to the Mid-Atlantic Archivist as part of their yearly dues. Learn more about becoming a MARAC member. 

Institutions may purchase a print subscription to the newsletter for $45.00 per year. To subscribe, make checks payable to MARAC and send to:

Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference
Dickinson College
P.O. Box 1773
Carlisle, PA 17013