Delaware Caucus

Welcome to the Delaware caucus! We're a small but mighty state, and the caucus serves as a resource and community for Delaware archives workers to learn, connect, and grow. College and university archives, museums, historical societies, and government repositories are all represented here, as well as students, retirees, and anyone interested in the work of preserving the past and making it accessible. The caucus meets regularly over Zoom and in person; please be in touch if you would like to participate or have ideas about how MARAC can best serve its members.

Caucus Representative

Delaware Caucus Representative

Diane Bockrath
Term: 2024-2026

Processing and Collections Archivist
Hagley Museum and Library
Wilmington, DE

Phone icon (302) 658-2400, ext. 328
Email icon

Additional Resources

Caucus Social Media



Last revised July 2024