Caucus Archival Projects Evaluation Service (CAPES) - New Jersey CaucusThe Caucus Archival Projects Evaluation Service (CAPES) offers free professional assessments by consultants from the New Jersey Caucus of historical paper collections held by New Jersey archives, libraries, historical societies, agencies, and other non-profit organizations free of charge. New Jersey Caucus members have assisted hundreds of repositories through the CAPES program since 1989. CAPES is supported by a generous grant from New Jersey Historical Commission. If you are interested in receiving a CAPES survey, please see the additional information and the application form from the New Jersey Historical Commission. CAPES consultants are members of the New Jersey Caucus with a working knowledge of the archival functions of appraisal, accessioning, arrangement, description, security, preservation, and reformatting of materials. They provide an invaluable service to institutions throughout New Jersey, many of which use the report to receive further grant assistance. In recognition, consultants receive a stipend upon completion of their written reports. It is an excellent opportunity for archivists at all stages of their careers. If you have questions or are interested in volunteering as a consultant, contact the CAPES Coordinator Back to New Jersey Caucus HomeLast revised May 15, 2024